[Schlib] Upcoming TIN

Margaret Stimson margaret.stimson at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 10:52:53 CST 2011

This may be of interest to you

http://manacememos.blogspot.com/POSTED WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2011
Upcoming TIN - February 10th,
Consider yourself invited to ManACE's next Technology Information Night. We
have an exciting evening lined up for February 10th.

If you've never been to one of our TIN's, you can expect to see three great
presentations, enjoy some pizza, salad and refreshments, and network with
colleagues from around the province - all for the low price of just $5 :-)

Here's an overview of what you can expect to see if you join us:

*The Blurred Images Challenge*
Students, teachers & committee members will come together to provide an
overview of the Blurred Images challenge. Manitoba's contribution to the
2010 Media Literacy Week has generated a great deal of interest across the
nation. This session will highlight the Blurred Images kickoff event and let
you know how you can participate in the Blurred Images Challenge.

*When Teachmeet Comes To Town*
This presentation will introduce participants to a growing trend in
providing meaningful professional learning opportunities. Find out what can
happen when you get a room full of people (...not just educators...)
together to share ideas and information. While Teachmeet originated in the
United Kingdom, it's now hopped across the pond, with Winnipeg hosting the
first Canadian Teachmeet. James Dykstra & Joel Ralph will share why and how
they brought Teachmeet to town.

*The Mobile Smackdown*
Are you still holding off on investing in your first smartphone? Or are you
looking for a 'better' mobile device - one that has more features or better
suits your lifestyle? The purpose of this session is to highlight the
features, capabilities & potential uses for some of the leading mobile
devices currently available: Androids, Blackberries & iPhones. Participants
are welcome and encouraged to add their own voice to the great mobile debate

February 10th - 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Manitoba Education, 1567


We hope to see you there :-)
The ManACE Board
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