[Schlib] PD Symposium for Writers

Gail Hamilton manitoba at bookcentre.ca
Mon Jan 11 21:36:55 CST 2010

Dear colleagues,

As Manitoba Regional Officer for the Canadian Children's Book Centre, I have been asked to pass along this information to you.

The Writer's Union of Canada (TWUC) is offering SECURE FOOTING IN A CHANGING LITERARY LANDSCAPE, a one-day professional development symposium for writers in all phases of their careers in eight Canadian cities, in February and March. The Winnipeg symposium will take place on March 1st at the University of Winnipeg.

"Authors Betsy Warland and Ross Laird will outline the current changes in the literary industry; explore the innovative digital opportunities; and discuss the creativity, economics, and community of a writer's life. Deborah Windsor, the Union's executive director, will discuss authors' contracts in the digital age. This full-day event is designed to address the creative and financial questions that arise as writers navigate print-based and digital literary landscapes. The symposium also explores the importance of community and the need for writers to develop their own writing community."

The cost of this symposium is $45.00,  and includes lunch. If you are interested in further information or you wish to download a registration form, please go the the TWUC web site at http://www.writersunion.ca/pdfs/registration.pdf. If you have any questions, please contact Valerie Laws, Office Adminstrator, at info at writersunion.ca.

Gail Hamilton

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